Amazon (Payfort) with Apple Pay Magento 2 Extension

  • 2.3.X, 2.4.X
    • free-updates Lifetime FREE Updates
    • support Free 30 Days support
    • payment One Time Payment Cost. No extra or Hidden Charges.
    • customization 100% Open-source and customizable software

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$ 200.00

Important characteristics of Apple Pay Amazon Payment Services (Payfort) Extension:

  • Apple Pay Amazon Payment Gateway extension supports the Hidden Authorization.
  • Apple Pay extension allows a simple process for customers to purchase goods and assistance using Apple devices through the Magento 2 website.
  • Checking out is as easy as selecting “Apple Pay” and placing a finger on the Touch ID of an iPhone, iPad using the Magento store.
  • Apple payfort also holds the central features for safe and reliable shopping experience for customers at your Magento store.
  • Admin side configuration options.
  • Manage online Fraud and scam.
  • Admin can easily make an order on behalf of the customer.


  • Reduced Flow in cart abandoned.
  • The ability to convert customers that would not have been able to complete purchases.
  • Highly Safe and confidential Payment Facilities.

Despite the involvement of multiple parties (merchant, bank, customer), the payfort gateway process is simple and can be implemented in seconds.


ENTERPRISE : 2.2.X - 2.3.X - 2.4.X

Apple Pay Amazon Payment Services (Payfort) Extension Insights

Our Apple Pay Amazon Payment Serivces (Payfort) Extension is widely being used in middle east countries, giving the platform to the moderator to receive online transactions, managing scam, and fraud, and win the customer's trust to make the brand trustworthy.

This Extension makes it achievable to transfer sensitive data of customers straight to the Amazon Payment Serivces (Payfort) server which bypasses the merchant server. Therefore it guarantees the protection of customer’s information.

The best way to increase customer involvement at the time of the checkout process. It is compulsory to use account credentials, it allows an extra layer of security to customers’ data and reduces merchants from the hassle of operating the data security.

Why Apple Pay?

Apple Pay is a payment system that allows Apple users to pay directly in on websites, Magento shop, or web applications. During purchasing the order, All the important information already stored in the system and does not require to insert personal details. The best part of this extension is that it never shares your information with merchants, so the chances of fraud or scam are reduced to zero.

How does Amazon Payment Serivces (Payfort)Magento 2 Apple Pay Extension Work?

When you integrate this module, a new payment system will be seen in your checkout process. During customers proceeding as an Apple Pay as a payment method will allow you to make transactions through Amazon Payment Serivces (Payfort).

In order to approve the purchase, your customers will have to use Touch ID. Correspondingly, the checkout process becomes more instantaneous and faster than ever, reducing dozens of unnecessary actions that take time and affect the user experience.


Apple pay PAYFORT (Amazon Payment) Gateway Magento 2 extension admin can receive payments from all types of credit cards approved by Amazon Payment Serivces. Therefore many customers covered by this payment extension have various types of cards and also accommodate by saving card information for next time.


Amazon Payment Services Pricing & Account Setup

A separate account with Amazon Payment Gateway is needed and will not be created while extension installation. Please click here to make your account. Amazon Payment Services can charge you depending on its plan. For plan and pricing please Click here. Extra fees are very nominal and are based on the options you select for transactions when establishing your account. 


Configuration Settings Guide:

After login now you can see Magento admin dashboard, you can see Left sidebar.
1) First click on the system
2) Click on 'settings' from the configuration panel.
3) Then you will see the 'sales' option click on it.
4) After the sales drop-down menu you can see payment methods then click on payment methods.
4) Now open 'Amazon Payment Services Apple pay AALogics' there are some fields that appear to fill them according to your information.
5) Click on 'Save config' button on top right side process of check out by using Amazon Payment Services apple pay.

Magento 2 Amazon Payment Services Apple Pay configuration settings guide.


Manage Details:

Customers can use debit and credit card without any difficulty so that it provides a better customer experience. Your given information never saves on any device. Enabling this extension you will get assigned a new account that is encrypted and secure.

Apple Pay Magento 2 payment integration overview.



Select Apple Pay Method:

At checkout customers select a payment method and enter details to make the purchase. The customer does not need to call any administrator for transactions. They feel comfortable with this secure apple pay Amazon Payment gateway and easily pay for the purchase.


Apple Pay Amazon Payment Services (Payfort) Magento 2 extension checkout process.

Get Informed By Message:

After completing all east steps by step guide you will get a thank you popup that makes acknowledge about the transaction has been done. If you have an extension but haven't Amazon Payment Services account don't worry create your account from

Apple Pay Amazon Payment Services extension confirmation message.

Apple Pay Express Checkout Extension for Magento 2