Nexcess Magento shared Hosting

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Shared Hosting For Magento Platform

As we are the coworker of Nexcess and we have different shared hosting packages such as Sip 100, Sip 200, Sip 300 and you can match our prices with nexcess site. it is the same as on the nexcess website.

Characteristic of Magento Shared Hosting

  • Affordable. Since bandwidth, disk space, and other resources are efficiently shared among many, web hosting server and maintenance costs can be discounted among its users. 
  • Fast Support and Maintenance. 
  • User-Friendly. 
  • Room to Grow. 
  • Choosing a Great Shared Hosting Provider.

Note :

Costs are comparative as composed on the Nexcess site however the minor departure from the site design.

Is Shared Hosting The Best Choice For Magento Store Performance

I strongly accept that the best hosting for most Magento locales is shared facilitating. Very frequently when you search for a host for your Magento store, facilitating organizations make statements like you can't run Magento in a common situation, Magento is asset hungry so it is better on a VDS/devoted server, you can't be PCI agreeable on a mutual host plan. Every one of these announcements is trash by and large. There is a trace of validity in them, however, you should ignore it.

Shared Hosting For Magento Solution

All of you should definitely realize that Magento requires facilitating administrations to control your online store. Subsequently, we present to you this rundown of shared facilitating suppliers that you can have your Magento site on without any tension of over personal times and other facilitating related issues.

There are different Shared hosting packages, A table is given below.

Package SIP 100 SIP 200 SIP 300
Daily Visitor 100 500 1000
Storage 7.5GB 25GB 55GB
Bandwidth 75GB Per Month 125GB Per Month 250GB Per Month
RAM 24GB 24GB 24GB
CDN Bandwidth - - 250GB Per Month
Email Included Yes Yes Yes
Secondary Domains 9 24 49
OpenVPN - - -
1-Year SSL Included - Standard Standard
Dedicated IP Yes Yes Yes

Better & Fast Store Performance By Magento Shared Hosting

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