Sales Origination Extension for Magento

  • 1.8.X, 1.9.X
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    • payment One Time Payment Cost. No extra or Hidden Charges.
    • customization 100% Open-source and customizable software
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$ 100.00

Would you like to see the history of the client's organization in a single tick?

This expansion keeps track of the beginning of the client i.e google AdWords, google shopping, Facebook, and others. It additionally gives detailed reports about requests so storekeepers can keep track of which showcasing channels are creating more deals.

Include this augmentation at your Magento store, so you can without much of a stretch view the entire history of client buys in a couple of snaps.

Crucial Points Of Extension

With our Sales Origination Magento Extension it's existence. The spare time that you spend on orders the executives.

Give detailed reports of deals of your item, so you can undoubtedly see who, when, from where, and what amount bought this item and what's the request status.

Compatible with Magento 1.8x, 1.9x


Search filters

This extension contains channels, the administrator can see the information as for their status and beginning for a particular timeframe.

Specified Order Tabs

The determined request tab creates results for the chose explicit request status.

Order Origination Report

This component gives data about the beginning of requests, it monitors every positioned request with their start, the administrator can likewise see the record of set requests for a particular start.

Extension Access

The administrator can get to this expansion in the business chart situated in the Reports tab.

Order Origination Guideline

Magento Sales Origination Extension Report Screenshot Showing Order Origination Details

This screenshot is showing the origination report of the orders in which you can check the list of the field that are mentioned.

Sales Origination Report in Magento Showing Order Status Comparison

In this screenshot, it is showing the origination report of the orders that are specified. You may check the contrast between this pic and the above one image.

Magento Sales Origination Extension Drop-Down List for Order Status

In this picture, you may see the order origination drop-down list. 

Magento Dashboard Showing Lifetime Sales, Average Orders, and Last 5 Orders

In this picture, we can see that the dashboard that is showing the lifetime sales, average orders, and last 5 orders.